North Cape Challenge

A road trip to the North Cape... for HackShield

From December 8 to 20, Team Northwave CERT is participating in the North Cape Challenge: a road trip to the northernmost point of Europe. Along the way, challenging tasks are carried out to raise funds for their chosen charity: HackShield.

Follow and Support the Challenge!

The journey can be followed via and LinkedIn. Regular updates about the trip, challenges, and adventures the team experiences along the way will be posted here.

Do you want to support Team Northwave CERT and, in turn, HackShield? You can do so here. Please be award that this page is only available in Dutch. 

With your donation, you contribute to the further spread of HackShield within the Nordics.

Many thanks on behalf of Team HackShield and the Cyber Agents of the Nordics!

De regels van deze competitie...

  • Je kan alleen prijzen winnen als je in deze gemeente woont
  • Je kan meedoen aan de competitie van tot . Alleen de punten die je in deze periode scoort tellen mee!
  • Sommige competities hebben extra regels. Deze tellen dan natuurlijk ook als regel van de competitie. Deze extra regels kun je bovenaan deze pagina vinden.